Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Find People With Big Shovels

There are people out there who want to help build better school systems.

I am not talking about bigger, or more beautiful schools.  I am talking about the process of matriculation.  The process of teaching, inspiring, feeding, and assessing the progress of minds.  Each and every parent who cares will be on this side of the issue - actually working to create a more functional, effective, and cognitively efficient learning culture.  They may only have shovels and wheelbarrows, but they have heart and drive - the grist by which things change and move forward - but they will make things better.

But, one of the more significant things schools can do to move their mountain forward would be to seek and find people with bigger shovels.  There are researchers, philanthropists, non-profits, armies of volunteers, companies, government grants, authors, and learning experts from the business world - all wanting to pitch in, but not invited.  Instead of shovels and wheelbarrows, these people bring mining equipment!

The problem, to be honest, is not a shortage of help.  The problem is weak leadership.

Most school leaders don't know where the system needs to go, which direction of change is best, or how to facilitate changes without losing control.  So, instead, change is a begrudgingly slow and unwanted process.

Good leaders invite the people with big shovels (mining equipment) to help and put them to work solving the issues that need fixing.

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